Advanced Enzymes receives Bio-Excellence in Industrial Biotech

Advanced Enzymes has received the Bio-Excellence award for being the Best Industrial Biotech Company at Bangalore India Bio 2014 event – the premier Biotechnology event in the country.
The Bio – Excellence awards instituted by the department of IT-BT & ST, Govt. of Karnataka were presented at Bangalore India Bio 2014, India’s premier Biotechnology event.The awards were instituted with the specific objectives of encouraging and recognizing the achievements of companies in the biotech sector.It was a proud moment for Advanced Enzymes as it was honored with the Bio-Excellence Award for being the Best Industrial Biotech Company in the country.
The awards were presented by Shri. Ashok Kumar C Manoli, IAS, Principal Secretary to Government, Dept. of Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology, Government of Karnataka, Prof. P Balram – Director , Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and Mr. Raj Kumar Sharma.