Mr. Mukund KabraWhole time Director

Mr. Mukund Madhusudan Kabra, is the Whole-time Director of our Company. He holds a Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering from Sambalpur University. He has 30 years of experience in enzyme industry and joined our Company in the year 1995. He is responsible for overlooking the manufacturing operations of the Company at Sinnar and Indore and for optimising the fermentation for existing products, strain improvement, downstream research and analytical research.
He holds Directorship/ full-time positions in the subsidiaries of the Company i.e. Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Limited, JC Biotech Private Limited, Advanced Enzytech Solutions Limited, Advanced Enzymes Europe B.V., evoxx Technologies GmbH, SciTech Specialities Private Limited and Saiganesh Enzytech Solutions Private Limited
Mr. Mukund Madhusudan Kabra, is the Whole-time Director of our Company.